
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

Iris Flower Prediction App using Logistic regression


Live Google Stock exchange price app

2020 - 2024

PhD Project

Proposed model uses real-time data from different institutions to increase training efficiency, but at the same time, it will not leak any data out of the institution, to comply with GDPR and data protection act 2018 [Which is the most challenging part]. Our model will enhance accuracy while protecting customer data privacy.


Bank Marketing Campaign

We used an artificial neural network on the given data of 40000 bank records and 20 variables and tried to get the best possible predictions that can ultimately help the bank to reduce the number of wasted calls (false positive), and it allows us to minimise the chance of losing customers (false negative).


AI-based chatbot: An Approach of utilising as customer service assistance

Providing the best customer experience is one of the primary concerns for the firms that are based online. The advancement of machine learning is revolutionizing the company’s attitude towards the client through improving the service quality by implementing chatbot solutions, which give the user instant and satisfactory answers to their inquiries.


Voice Controlled Home Automation

Voice-Activated integrated system with mobile phone (application) that allows the elderly and disabled to effortlessly control household utilities using voice commands. The device is designed to be easy to use, install, configure, run, and maintain for non-technical users. House automation includes connecting various electrical equipment in a home.